OnTriggerEnter detect entrance of specific object

I’ve been trying for some time to figure this out, but to no avail. I have a goal that will detect the entrance of a ball. But I want it to detect only the ball, nothing else. Currently I’m having trouble getting it to detect anything at all:

void OnTriggerEnter (Collider redmiddleR){
	if(redmiddleR.collider.name == "Ball(Clone)");{
		Destroy (ball);
		RedTop.redscore = RedTop.redscore+2;

My naming scheme isn’t the greatest - there are eight separate goals, and I couldn’t get all OnTriggerEnter statements to work in one single script, so I separated the scripts out by goal (as different goals on different sides of the field have different point values towards different teams). Which is why the score variables are all in the first script I made - RedTop.

I hope I’m just overlooking something simple here, but why is this not recognizing anything? I should at least be able to see the debug statement, but that doesn’t even show up. I’m not receiving any errors, it just doesn’t seem to do anything. I have tried adding a kinematic rigidbody component to the trigger object, but that results in the game automatically adding 2 to the redscore and bluescore variables, despite the script being able to influence only the redscore variable. Putting a ball through the goal after that does not affect the score.

Get rid of the semicolon on this line->

if(redmiddleR.collider.name == “Ball(Clone)”);{

make it->

if(redmiddleR.collider.name == “Ball(Clone)”){

and see what happens.