OnTriggerEnter For Parking

Hello everyone, i created 5 tigger cubes, one in the middle where i park car. 4 surrounded so i know when i parked my car. trying to guess it like if im in middle trigger and not in other triggers i have parked, something i tried didnot work

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class entertrigger : MonoBehaviour
    public bool parked;
    public bool tryingtopark;

    public void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (other.tag == "Parkingplace") {
            parked = true;


        if (other.tag == "NOTparkingplace")
            tryingtopark = true;


    public void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)
        if(other.tag == "NOTparkingplace")
            tryingtopark = false;
    public void parkingstatus()
        if (parked == true && tryingtopark == false)
            Debug.Log("You are parking master");


(edit) Sorry I wasn’t thinking clearly when I answered the first few times lol. It looks like you just need to call your parkingstatus() method here:

if(other.tag == "Parkingplace"){ parked = true; parkingstatus(); }
Then in the OnTriggerExit add the following if statement:

if(other.tag == "Parkingplace") { parked = false; }

Then in the OnTriggerExit for NOTparkingplace call your parkingstatus method again:

`if(other.tag == “NOTparkingplace”)
tryingtopark = false;
