OnTriggerEnter not called on rigidbody?

I have 2 objects. 1 with just a trigger box collider and 1 with a trigger box collider and a rigidbody. When the collide, only the object without the rigidbody is notified. Is that how it’s supposed to work? I thought whoever had the rigidbody was the one that was supposed to get notified.

Actually both objects should raise notifications

My assumption is that you are moving or enabling/disabling the trigger thats without the rigidbody. Since its without a rigidbody the physics system classifies it as a Static collider and thus does some optimizations to help with performance. however that means the physics systems is operating under the assumption that it never moves nor is ever enabled/disabled. doing so can cause unintended behaviour.

if you want the other trigger to move then you likely want for it to be a Kinematic Rigidbody collider and set as a trigger

Hello homer_3,

On which object your script is attached “to the one with rigidbody” or “to the one without rigidbody”? if the script is attached to the one with rigidbody, the event OnTriggerEnter calls on that object only. Please check and let me know.

Ankush Taneja