Ontriggerenter not working

ok it is not really my trigger it is my tag it won’t pickup that the player with that Player tag has hit it. here is the code.

#pragma strict

var ZombieAtkDelay = 0.0;

function OnTriggerEnter(other : Collider)
if (ZombieAtkDelay > 0.5)
//it made it up to here
if (other.tag == “Player”)
Vitals.Health -= 5;
ZombieAtkDelay = 0;

function Start () {


function Update () {
ZombieAtkDelay += Time.deltaTime;

it passes the tag once but then stops but with my original zombie it would attack every 0.5 seconds

I don’t know if i understand your problem but if the trigger still in collision with the other collider or trigger, it’s normal.

Because, you use OnTriggerEnter . And this function like OnTriggerExit is execute only once per collison.
Try to use OnCollisionStay with a timer.