OnTriggerEnter Problems

im trying to do a save system in my game and i made a box collider, checked is trigger and put it where i want to have the game save when the player touches it, but unity is complaining about public being inside OnTriggerEnter
heres the script
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Player : MonoBehaviour {

public int phone = 0;
public int monsterS = 1;
public int monsterH = 1;
public int monsterA = 1;
public int character = 0;
public int awake = 0;
public int time = 1;

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other){

public void Save ()

	SaveLoadManager.SavePlayer (this);


public void Load(){

	int[] LoadedStats = SaveLoadManager.LoadPlayer ();

	phone = LoadedStats[0];
	monsterS = LoadedStats[1];
	monsterH = LoadedStats[2];
	monsterA = LoadedStats[3];
	character = LoadedStats[4];
	awake = LoadedStats[5];
	time = LoadedStats [6];



i really dont know what to do at this point.

I don’t use C#, but as far as I know, all you need is make the void outside of the triggerenter void, and just call it:


public class Player : MonoBehaviour {

 public int phone = 0;
 public int monsterS = 1;
 public int monsterH = 1;
 public int monsterA = 1;
 public int character = 0;
 public int awake = 0;
 public int time = 1;
 void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other){

 public void Save ()
     SaveLoadManager.SavePlayer (this);

That should work?

BEcause it feels you’re trying to declare what in JS would be a function, within a function, but it wouldn’t even call it in the first place. You’re just saying what it’s meant to do, not telling it to do it.