Hi, I’m making a game where the player collects fruit, and must collect a certain amount to proceed to the next level. I have a cube at the moment as the end of level, where i’m trying to make it as a trigger to go to the next level if the player has 3 points, and go to a game over/retry scene if the have under 3. I have set the cube collider as a trigger, and this is my code:
var Counter : int = 0;
var fruit : int = 3;
function Update () {
guiText.text = "Score is: "+Counter;
function OnTriggerEnter(col : Collider){
if(col.gameObject.tag == "end")
if (gameObject.name == "Player")
if (Counter == 3)
else if(col.gameObject.tag == "end")
if (gameObject.name == "Player")
Nothing seems to be happening when passing through the exit cube, which is tagged as “end”.
If anyone could help that would be great! Thanks in advance.