OnTriggerEnter won't work after iOS build

I have a simple code where when a bullet hits an object, it does damage and it gets destroyed. It works perfectly in the Unity editor, but when I build and install on an iOS device, it won’t work. Everything else seems to work fine.

here is the code:
public class BulletDamage : MonoBehaviour {

void Start()


void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
    if (other.tag == "EnemyBoss")
		other.GetComponent<EnemyHealth> ().DoDamage (5);               


I don’t know about any bugs, but maybe check some stuff (just to be sure)

Does the boss have the tag?
Does one of the two colliders have a Rigidbody component?
Do you not have warnings or errors about this script?
Is the script assigned to the right object?

From web developing I have learned that somethings do work locally but do not work online, it’s really messed up.

Good luck man!