OnTriggerEnter2D not working at all

Hi so what I have here is a Cube object (percentCollider) that has an isTrigger on its Box Collider. And the object that is going to move into it is also a Cube object (DrawingCircleCollider) that is being moved around by the mouse, has a Rigid Body. So that when I move the mouse it can trigger a count to go down in value. Problem is that it doesn’t work at all. The first Debug doesn’t even show up. I’ve been able to make something like this work many times but for some reason I’m lost on this.

Any help would be appreciated!

public GameObject drawingCircleCollider;
public Text percentageText;
public int count;

void Start()
	count = 100;
	SetCountText (); 

void OnTriggerEnter2D (Collider2D percentCollider)
	Debug.Log ("WORKING");

	if (percentCollider.CompareTag ("DrawingCircleCollider")) 
		count = count - 1;
		SetCountText ();

		Debug.Log ("COUNT OK");

public void SetCountText()
	percentageText.text = "" + count.ToString () + "%";

Never mind I got it to work by just doing away with 2D in general and just switched to 3D. That seemed to work fine.