ontriggerenter2d triggered on start

im semi-new to c# and unity and i have been trying to work on a trigger collider for my screenboxes and interactable objects. i have all the colliders enabled corectly and a rigidbody on my player. it works fine when entering the trigger zone but when ever i hit play it triggers once. is there any way to fix this?

here is my code

private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
Debug.Log(“Ontrigger enter”);
private void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D other)
Debug.Log(“Ontrigger exit”);

is there also a way to have it keep checking constantly if the player is inside the collider trigger?

Try moving things around. Perhaps you are instantiating things inside the trigger, then moving them to their first-seen location, but they were actually transiently in trigger. Perhaps there’s another trigger you’re hitting. Print the name of the collider passed in.

There is this:


ok thank you, i see now. my screen collider to keep my cinimachine camera from moving to far was a trigger.