Opacity for DrawTexture not working

I tried this: colPreviousGUIColor = GUI.color; in start()
and in OnGui() I have this:

    GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(Screen.width-205,Screen.height-195,60,60), ceas, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, true, 10.0f);
    GUI.depth = 1;
    GUI.color = new Color(colPreviousGUIColor.r, colPreviousGUIColor.g, colPreviousGUIColor.b, opacitate);

Even if I change the “opacitate” variable, the opacity it’s same.

Also I tried GUI.color.a = opacitate, but neither this not worked too.

What can I do?

If you are trying to do a form of the “fade to black” method commonly found on the web by creating a Texture2D and using SetPixel, then you will also need to call Apply on the Texture2D after having called SetPixel.