Open and Close Button

Hi, I’m extremely new to Unity and am testing a menu I created.

I require a window (game object) to appear when a button is pressed(mouse click), but also disappear when the button is pressed a second time.

Below is the code I’ve been trying to use.

I really appreciate any and all help.

var target : GameObject;
function start () {

function OnMouseDown () {


function OnMouseUp () {


start() should be Start()
OnMouseUp/Down requires a collider be attached to the GameObject that this script is on (and that you click on that collider)

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Thanks a lot for the assistance!
Is there a way to make gameobject remain active after clicking, atm the object appears on mouse down, then disappears on mouse up?


Remove the OnMouseUp() method.

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Thanks guys.

I used the OnMouseUp() to cause the gameObject to reappear if clicked a second time. How could I make that function?

Maintain the state in a boolean

bool active;

void OnMouseUp()
    active = !active;

Where would I place the this part of the code?