This isn’t intended to be offensive:
With the upcoming Unity 5 and Unreal Engine 4 we, as a company of several developers, have had a few hard decisions to make and would like to share our thoughts (the result of several longwinded meetings) with you Unity as we may have to jump ship. It’s worth noting that we have evaluated Unreal Engine 4 (in it’s current state) and have been long time supporters of Unity (since the 1.x days). We hold several licenses to unity pro including Android pro, iOS pro, and asset server. We have several products that have been completed over the years, and have several more in the works for this year alone.
With all that being said, we find what you offer to not fully align with the price point you demand. Although Unreal Engine 4 has a steep learning curve, overall it is more powerful and offers an easier to attain polish then we have ever been able to accomplish with Unity. The architecture is built around networking which seems to be an afterthought in your tools. We are required to have Unity pro because, lets face it, few of the decent extensions/libraries purchasable from 3rd parties will work without it. We need to have mobile pro because, lets face it, performance is horrid without it. We made the HUGE mistake of buying the team license because, lets face it, asset server is garbage! You know it, we know it, it’s more headache than it’s worth (timeouts, corruption, bad states, loss of work, loss of time and money) and should honestly be taken out back and shot…
Now you introduce a subscription model which is 300+% greater than your competition and makes no sense to the one time cost model, we are curious, why offer the one time cost at all? Thank you for letting us pay $600 less for the subscription than the one time cost however we all know you’ll be releasing Unity 6.x shortly after so why the hell would we purchase the one time cost? It’s not like you’ll let us have multiple installs (for our whole team) with one time cost, right? Does the one time cost allow for our bug reports to be seen before the usual 6mo time period (statistically unlikely)? Thank you for the subscription, but it’s still really high for what your offering…
What ever happened to Unity’s new GUI? We’ve been waiting for it since 3.x and all we have is a back side full of smoke. When will interfaces (c#) be better supported? When will you support more of the native iOS and Android features so we can stop buying solutions from Prime31 and the like? Dynamic NavMesh support? What about multiple listeners in a scene? More robust EditorGUI controls, callbacks, events, etc? Access to source? Why do I still have to cache a reference to the darn Transform, you’d think we’d be passed this by now…
Your feature list for Unity 5 is very lack luster. On a basic overview, the list would seem impressive but once one gets more granular into what is really pitched (past the hype of it), it really is what should have been in Unity 4, what we paid for on the upgrade. If this is just another minor revision turned major, many will feel jaded…
It’s just a lot to swallow for the price you want to charge me for my team to stay. I’m sorry if this post comes off as offensive however it’s been building over the years. I can pay double, DOUBLE, for your competitions product and still be paying half than what I would be paying for yours and they already offer more of what I need. I strongly ask that you reconsider your pricing model. I understand you still need to pay your people and cover your expenses however you need to remember that we’re indies (and in some cases, hobbyists), we can’t afford this for much longer…
Afterthought: I know what will be said after this. yes, they [unreal] want to charge us 5% royalty. I’m ok with that! If we do well, they do well for supporting us. If we make 100k, we pay them 5k, not a problem there…