I’m pretty sure this was possible in 2019+ but for some reason in 2020+ I cannot open multiple graphs at the same time, the VFX Graph window is unique, and loading a subgraph or another graph completely replaces its content.
Am I crazy and it never existed? Is there a reason for this behavior or a will to allow it later on?
Hi, no multiple VFX graph view at the same time has never been implemented. This is however something we’re looking at, as this will improve workflows a lot (especially when using subgraphs)
Then I must be crazy!
Yes that’s my main use case, being able to open Subgraphs at the same time. But also copy-paste from different main VFX Graphs, now that I think about it I might have used two instances of unity to make this work in the past
Came here to ask about this. The ability to only load one graph at a time and work efficiently across multiple graphs kills me. I hope support for opening multiple graphs comes soon.
I’m happy to tell you that multiple VFX windows will be available in Unity 2022.1 (even sooner in 2022.1 alpha16).
And along with this feature, you’ll notice a revamp toolbar with a dedicated button to go back to parent graph when a subgraph is opened.