Open remote project doesn't seem to work for me or anyone invited to the project

Just getting into Plastic. I’ve created a new project and invited people to the project through this -
8437631--1117913--Screen Shot 2022-09-14 at 8.37.26 am.png
The other user doesn’t have an option to “Open Remote Project” through hub.
Is there something we’re missing? I noticed there are some options in Game Services, are we supposed to click things in there too?


Hey Pete,

Can you confirm whether the user can see the repository via the WebUI at

Hi @ollieblanks , Yeah I can see the other user, and they can se my cloud space (not too sure what to call it). One thing I noticed is that we both have two ‘spaces’, and my project and the other user is only in one of them. Is that something to do with the transition of Unity across to it? Maybe we joined before that.

Hey Pete,

I’d love to take a deeper look at this and get you up and running. Please can you log a support ticket at quoting this forum thread, and I will endeavour to get on a call with you?

Thanks! I’ll send it through:)