Hi, this is my path animator extension that I’ve created while learning Unity. It’s currently in beta - all features are implemented. I hope, it will be of some use.
- Linear and Bezier paths
- Custom rotation, animation speed and tilting
- Wrap modes: Once, Loop and PingPong
- Rotation by following target object
- Rotation by looking ahead of the path
- Autoplay, play with delay
- Position and rotation lerp
- Realtime animation preview in edit and play mode
- Editing path in play mode
- Custom node events
- Synchronizing multiple animators
- Synchronizing animation with music
- Comfortable keyboard shortcuts
- Ability to fully customize shortcuts and other advanced options
- Playback control with API
- Node export as transforms
- Separate path asset file for every path
- Separate config asset files
- Quick Start tutorial on youtube
- Example scenes
- API reference documentation
Clone from GitHub or download a zip package.
Any questions, suggestions, bugs or pull requests are welcome.