Open SSL not found

I am trying to integrate facebook SDK for unity .

I have created a facebook App and have done rest of the steps.

But in the Facebook/EditSettings I am getting this warning “OpenSSL not found. Make sure that OpenSSL is installed, and that it is in your path”.

I am not sure what path it is mentioning


  1. Download and install OpenSSL.
    Win32/Win64 OpenSSL Installer for Windows - Shining Light Productions
    Win32 OpenSSL v#.#.# (not Light)
    OR Win64 OpenSSL v#.#.# (not Light)

  2. Add the OpenSSL directory to your path.
    Go to: Control PanelSystemAdvanced system settingsEnvironment Variables
    Select the Variable Path in the “System variables” window and click Edit.

  3. Add the path to your OpenSSL bin folder to the end of the “Variable value” text. e.g. I added ;C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin to the end of the value text.
    → Take note, do not forget to add semi-colon ; before the C:/

  4. Restart Unity3D.

  5. If you get the error in FacebookSettings “Keytool not found”, you need to add the JDK (Java Development Kit) bin directory to the Path variable value.

  6. Follow the same steps as before, but instead of the OpenSSL bin path, add the JDK bin path. e.g. I added “;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\bin” to the end of the value text.

  7. Restart Unity3D.

In addition to following the steps in the accepted answer I feel like I had to kill the Unity Hub tasks from Task Manager to get this working.

Follow the answer by @vfxjex excluding one.
You don’t need to add semicolon prefix anymore. I am using windows 10.

Check This site…

also check

Check this tutorial for your problem, its work for me : Windows 8.1 - Facebook SDK - OpenSSL & Keytool - Unity Answers

Works I also needed microsoft visual c++ 2008 redistributable package x64 and make sure you update your java jdk before hand.

Thanks for the info… worked great.

I just erased entirely the Path variable value by pure mistake and I have no clue what it used to do but i am quite sure it was usefull , now it looks like this :S

The thing is that I also get a new error in Unity

I also tried adding the semicolon before the path but it didn’t gave any better result .
Finally I think that most of my path are lost and cannot be recovered easily am i right ?

What should I do ?
Thx for support guys !

I added openssl, added the path, rebooted unity and now unity is frozen after trying to edit the Facebook settings…

It seems that those freaking morons at facebook don’t like the latest OpenSSL,

So to me, because I installed Git-SCM which shipped the latest OpenSSL and those morons at Facebook doesn’t happy I have to download a 0.98 version of OpenSSL, and instead of APPENDING the Path variable, I have INSERT the OpenSSL path to the Path variable. Now, things working fine

Go to hell Facebook morons!

I have fixed the issue and update the solution here:

You may need to restart your pc after installing openSSL and adding it to Path variable. it only worked for me when I did that, so I thought I might share this with you.

  1. Download and install OpenSSL.
    Win32 OpenSSL v#.#.# (not Light)
    OR Win64 OpenSSL v#.#.# (not Light)
    Win32/Win64 OpenSSL Installer for Windows - Shining Light Productions

  2. Add the OpenSSL directory to your path.
    Go to: Control PanelSystemAdvanced system settingsEnvironment Variables
    Select the Variable "Path" in the “System variables” window and click Edit.

  3. Add the path to your OpenSSL bin folder to the end of the “Variable value” text. e.g. I added "C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin" to the end of the value text.

  4. Restart pc.

If you’re encountering an “OpenSSL not found” error, it typically means that the OpenSSL library or package is missing or not properly installed on your system.

OpenSSL is a widely used open-source cryptographic library that provides SSL/TLS encryption and other security-related functions.

To resolve this issue and ensure that OpenSSL is installed on your system, follow these general steps based on your operating system:

For Linux (Ubuntu/Debian):

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Run the following command to update your package repository:
    sudo apt update
  3. Install OpenSSL by running:

For Linux (CentOS/RHEL):

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Update your system’s package repository
    sudo yum update
  3. Install OpenSSL by running
    sudo yum install openssl

For macOS (using Homebrew):

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Install Homebrew if you haven’t already by visiting Homebrew’s website(https:// brew. sh/) and following the installation instructions.
  3. Once Homebrew is installed, you can install OpenSSL by running
    brew install openssl

For Windows:

If you’re using Windows, OpenSSL might not be pre-installed, but you can download and install it manually:

  1. Visit the OpenSSL website ( and download the appropriate installer for your Windows version (32-bit or 64-bit).
  2. Run the installer and follow the installation instructions.

After installing OpenSSL, you should no longer encounter the “OpenSSL not found” error. Make sure to restart any applications or services that rely on OpenSSL for encryption or other security-related functions to ensure they recognize the newly installed library.

Please note that the specific steps may vary depending on your Linux distribution or macOS version, so adjust them accordingly.

For non-technical persons - You will get more idea about SSL certificate

Click on “What is OpenSSL?” here:

In Windows, pressing the close button (X) on the Unity Hub window to exit does not completely shut down the Hub, and in my case, the environment variables were only reloaded correctly when I completely exited via the “Quit Unity Hub” menu in the system tray icon.
(I assume they are initialized when Unity Hub is launched)

This page solved all my problems with windows and SSL things for facebook plugin