We’ve completed another build of Unity’s next version: 3.4, so we need your help once again to make sure nothing broke in the process.
Before pushing the red button that sends the Unity 3.4 editor out to the entire world, we’d like to have you guys checking that the web player auto-update works.
So provided you have a 3.3 or earlier web player installed already, please go to the test player we’ve uploaded here :
Yes, it works.
I’ve tried with Firefox and Chrome with autoupdate and it shows that blue screen with that version.
Also I’ve tried to build a web player of a game that I’m developing and it works.
The o.s. is Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium…
Either the screenshot of what it is supposed to look like needs to be updated or on my version I’m seeing a background to that text in the upper left corner. Functionality wise though it appears to be working properly.
Edit: Also I never saw the Unity logo in the lower-right.
Not an update but a fresh install. I´ve installed the beta plugin at my new notebook, and here it misses the beta logo down right. The version number at the top is showing though. Firefox 3.6, Win 7 Home, 64 Bit.
Mh, while testing the right click menu i stumbled across a very vague passus in the unity web player settings:
How long is some time here? 100 minutes or 100 years? It would be nice when the information about this not used time would be a bit more informative. I would even suggest to give the user a way to set this time up to his own needs
It loads but, when I click somewhere my mouse freezes (about 5 seconds) then it is ok. When I switch to another tab then come back, the same thing happens again.