I have been trying to use OpenCV in Magic Leap2 using OpenCV Plus plugin. But when I run it shows OpenCVSharpExtern.so file is not found kind error.
That’s because by default OpenCV Plus plugin provides this .so files for ARM-abiv7 and X86 architecutres, and Magic Leap2 is works on X86_64.
I also faced same issue when deploying app in Android. But somehow I managed to find that file from unity forum for ARM64, and it worked.
Here is the code how he generated .so file for ARM 64. GitHub - Gobra/OpenCV-Unity: OpenCV plus Unity
I used same code to generate .so file for X86_64 architecutre, but unfortunately it didn’t work on Magic Leap2.
Can anyone help me with this? Can anyone try building OpenCvSharpExtern.so file for X86_64 architecture?