OpenFeint Achievements Unlocked Detection

I’m trying to detect whether an achievement is unlocked using OpenFeint but it always return all achievements as locked. Moreover, if I try to unlock the same achievement twice it two notifications that the achievement has been unlocked!

I’m using the OpenFeint plugin posted by Wozik but added achievements querying functionality:

Any clues?

The modified

package com.unity3d.Plugin;

import android.util.Log;

import com.openfeint.api.*;
import com.openfeint.api.ui.Dashboard;
import com.openfeint.api.resource.Score;
import com.openfeint.api.resource.Leaderboard;
import com.openfeint.api.resource.Achievement;

import android.util.Log;

public class OpenFeintFacade {

	static public void Init(final Activity currentActivity, final OpenFeintSettings settings)
		Log.d("OpenFeintFacade", "Init() called");
		currentActivity.runOnUiThread (new Runnable () {
			public void run ()
				OpenFeint.initialize(currentActivity, settings, new OpenFeintDelegate() { });
			} } );
	static public void SubmitScore(String leaderboard, int score)
		Log.d("OpenFeintFacade", "SubmitScore(" + score + ") on " + leaderboard);

		Score s = new Score(score);
		Leaderboard l = new Leaderboard(leaderboard);
		s.submitTo(l, new Score.SubmitToCB()
			public void onSuccess(boolean newHighScore) 
				Log.d("OpenFeintFacade", "Leaderboard submit score: success!");
			public void onFailure(String exceptionMessage) 
				Log.d("OpenFeintFacade", "Leaderboard submit score: fail.");
	static boolean busyReadingAchievement = false;
	static Achievement achievement;
	static public boolean IsAchievementUnlockedQueryInProgress()
		return busyReadingAchievement;

	static public boolean IsAchievementUnlocked()
		return achievement.isUnlocked;

	static public void StartIsAchievementUnlockedQuery(int achievementID)
		busyReadingAchievement = true;
		achievement = null;
		achievement = new Achievement(Integer.toString(achievementID));
				new Achievement.LoadCB ()
					public void onSuccess() 
						busyReadingAchievement = false;
						Log.d("OpenFeintFacade", "Achievement load: success!");

					public void onFailure(String exceptionMessage) 
						busyReadingAchievement = false;
						Log.d("OpenFeintFacade", "Achievement load: fail.");

	static public void SubmitAchievement(int achievementID)
		new Achievement(Integer.toString(achievementID))
				new Achievement.UnlockCB ()
					public void onSuccess(boolean newUnlock) 
						Log.d("OpenFeintFacade", "Achievement submit: success!");

					public void onFailure(String exceptionMessage) 
						Log.d("OpenFeintFacade", "Achievement submit: fail.");

I know a lot of time has passed, but some people may eventually end here, so I’d like to state that to test your achievement data, you have to use the target device. Testing inside unity will always result in warnings false returns.