OpenGL vs Vulkan for OpenXR

On OpenXR Plugin | OpenXR Plugin | 1.7.0, I see that Vulkan is the recommendation for Meta Quest. Are there any known issues with using OpenGL+OpenXR or is Vulkan just generally the recommendation?

OpenGLES3 works fine.
When new features get added they might only support vulkan (as seen with oculus xr plugin), but OpenXR has no API specific features afaik.
Just try and find out :stuck_out_tongue:

I was trying it and seeing noticeably degraded performance on OpenGL when compared to Vulkan, so I was checking to see if it was something known in the implementation here. If you’re having success with it, though, it must be something else! Thanks for the info!

Hey~ Both OpenGLES and Vulkan should work with OpenXR SDK. We didn’t observe the noticeable performance degraded on OpenGLES in our performance testing.
Maybe you were hitting a GLES only bug?

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I second that. I get a max of 4% difference in performance between the 2 dependant on what API is used.
Did you update Unity and OpenXR? If you use depth maybe force prepass

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It’s probable! Thanks for the info! That helps narrow down our investigation space.

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