Opening a project in a new version doesn't update it's version number

I’m not sure if this is an issue with the Hub, or if it’s a change in Unity.

Before, whenever I opened a project with a new version of Unity, projectversion.txt was immediately updated. Now, when I open a project in a new version, that doesn’t happen before I make some change and save the project.

So if go into the hub, select a project that was last opened in version 2017.3.1f1, and select the “Open with 2017.3.1p3” option, it will go through the whole “are you sure you want to upgrade, this will take a while” process. Then, if I close the project immediately, and look at it in the hub, it’s still marked as 2017.3.1f1. projectversion.txt also hasn’t updated.

This is a bug, right?

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Hi @Baste ,

This seems to be Editor dependent and the behavior change depending on the Editor the project open with.
We will investigate the behavior and see which version would automatically update the projectversion.txt.

Thanks for reporting,


For what it’s worth, we experienced this with 2017.2.2f1 (from a 2017.2.0p1). The workaround was just to edit a file and save the project and just revert the file we edited before committing to our version control.

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Same issue for me after upgrading project to 2017.4.2f2 :frowning:
Unity Hub still marked my project with old version !

Edit : Sorry, it’s working after restart Unity Hub :smile:

@joeksy Same issue here.

Project Version : 2018.1.1f1, Unity Version 2018.1.2f1

ProjectVersion.txt is not updated after updating project. Both via Unity Hub and via Editor directly. So every opening project, always “Project update dialog” is appear.

Is it safe that manually edit ProjectVersion.txt ?

I ran into this when upgrading to 2018.1. I found that ProjectVersion.txt would update if I made a scene change but not if I just updated.

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Making a scene change is works. Thanks.


Making a change in PlayerSettings (then Save Project) should work, too.

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@joeksy any news on this? I’ve found this issue on the tracker and it’s marked “By Design”. Is it really by design? We have to change something in the project and then save it or manually edit the ProjectVersion.txt after each update?

Yeah, this is bad. This is a change in how Unity works that may cause a huge cost in time, as you can end up running the same reimport twice. Those take everything from minutes to an hour.


This behavior especiallly doesn’t make sense considering you can make changes to the scripts, including upgrading to new APIs, and ProjectVersion.txt still won’t update without a scene or project settings change.


I just checked to see if it’s still happening with 2018.1.2 and it is, but I realized it does automatically upgrade ProjectVersion.txt properly for my projects that are on Unity Collab (which may be why I didn’t notice this issue until recently, when I updated some projects stored only on github)

When you update a project, you have to click File → Save Project for it to save the changes to the ProjectVersion.txt file. As far as I know, there is no need to edit and then revert any files. Just make sure you save the project.

EDIT: It seems I was wrong and this doesn’t always work.

I have tried that, and (with my github projects that are not connected with Unity services), saving the project doesn’t update ProjectVersion.txt if no other changes have been made. I haven’t tried editing and then reverting scripts, but just editing scripts doesn’t update ProjectVersion.txt. Only settings and scene changes.

Doesn’t work for me either.

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I was having the same problem, my ProjectVersion.txt was updating but would not recognise it and would try open with a previous version, but as mentioned you must click on File > Save Project, not Ctrl-S as these are different, the issue went away.

just chiming in.
same problem, unity MacOS 2018.1.0f2 → 2018.1.6f1.
‘save project’ did not modify any files, including ProjectVersion.txt.
making a change to project settings as suggesded by @ worked well.

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Just an update to others who come here from Google and such.

Unity 2018.2.14f1 (so still happening). Upgrading a project (ie 5.6.3 to 2018.#.#) leaves the project ‘Number’ at the previous…however…everything inside this project has been migrated.

‘I think’ (speculation here from converting several projects) if everything in the Existing (ie 5.6.3) is deemed ‘Okay’ and not ‘Truly’ converted then the Project Info Number is not changed. This is really consistent so likely this is by design.

To ‘Force’ a project version update simply Move an object in your currently opened scene then Save Scene. Then click Save Project (pretty fast as usual but does do it). Your project is now updated. Move your object back and save…blah blah…good to go!

Hope this helps others.


Still seems to happen. I updated from 2017.4.10f1 to 2017.4.23f1.

In some case, Editor may require to save a scene before version applies. Hub’s project list also require to refresh (either automatically over time, or open Hub from the tray menu while closed)
Sorry for the inconvenience.
