opening .UNITY3D files w/demo

I wish to open a .UNITY3D file using the demo version of Unity. Can this be done? When I attempt to, the default island scene is loaded. Is this a function of of the demo, or am I doing something wrong?


The .Unity3D file is a compiled and compressed collection of player data, so it’s not possible to load into the Editor. You need the source project files if you want to mess with it.

Check out the examples section of the unity3d site for some projects you can try out, as well as the Showcase section of this forum.

(And welcome :wink: )


So am I to understand that the actual game elements aren’t stored anywhere inside the .UNITY3D file?

Assuming I understood you correctly, how can I find the source project files? I took the .UNITY3D file off a website, so I assume it (the file) has stored, somewhere, the addresses of the URLs it references, which, I assume, would be the sp files.

.unity3d files can’t be loaded into the editor at all. (Fortunately…that would be a good way to rip off people if you could!) You can import .unitypackage files and load Unity project folders, if people feel like providing them. If people don’t want to provide the source, then you can’t load their games into the editor.


No, that is incorrect. As Eric is trying to indicate, *.unity3d files are output data files that are only meant for loading and playback by our web player, they are not meant for you or anyone else to open and edit.

You have to contact the creator of the content and see if they’ll share it with you (which in most cases isn’t likely). The content authors keep their source files, they publish out of Unity and product/publish *.unity3d files as part of a web content launch.