SteamVR is installed. SteamVR plugin has been added to the project. I do not have a VR device. Trying to setup project while it is being delivered. OpenVR SDK has been added via Other Settings.
Running any scene yields the following error:
VR: OpenVR Error! OpenVR failed initialization with error code Unknown error (126): “Unknown error (126)”!
Does the SteamVR fail a setup process if no device is detected?
Should anyone else come across this. The language that doesn’t print in the editor:
Compositor failed to initialize.Compositor failed to initialize.VR: OpenVR Error! OpenVR failed initialization with error code VRInitError_Init_HmdNotFoundPresenceFailed: “Hmd Not Found Presence Failed (126)”!
Thanks, just googled this. I do not have a HMD but wish to develop for them anyhow, guess OpenVR disagrees.
When I disconnect the Vive and try to launch OpenVR, I get the same. It would be interesting how this can be handled properly when you try to switch to VR mode with a key, but it doesn’t work because no HMD is connected, that it would fallback to “None” mode for VR.
So far (like documented here Game with screen mode and VR mode - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions ) if UnityEngine.VR.VRDevice.isPresent is false after two frames of trying to switch, I fall back to “None” VR mode. But this hangs up the Unity Editor and I need to unpause two times before getting back to normal.
ummm, try checking this guys’ VR simulator (for game dev). http://developers.immerseum.io/vr-simulator-beta-0.9/