OpenVR with VR Beginner: The Escape Room project not working

I’ve been following this guide to set up the Learn project with VR and I am now stuck somewhat early in the steps. In section 4, step 5, Explore the Prototype Room, the tutorial implies that if I set up everything correctly, the controllers should work automatically. It tracks my head and hands, but my controllers otherwise can’t do anything. No picking up of objects, no teleporting, etc.

This is with Valve’s Index HMD and Knuckles, Unity 2020.2, newest version of the OpenVR .tgz from here as outlined in part 2 step 10.

I got the same problem,Hi did you figured it out please, I got the same problem. Thanks

From Dan Miller:

in the unity xr plugin release notes you can see that the package does not provide input through Unity’s XR input. Valve recommends using the SteamVR Unity plugin (from the asset store) and SteamVR Input (by generating input bindings and associating them with your project).

I see in the Getting started section it does cover adding the OpenVR but I don’t see any additional steps on how to configure or get input working. AFAIK there isn’t a way to get input without the method I mention above. I can check this out sometime this week and follow up with the EDU team.

In the short term I think either using the older (play settings / XR settings) in 2019.4 or potentially upgrading to Open XR and using the Valve index controller extension could work.