OpenXR Camera breaks on Meta Quest Pro if you put something in the camera

Hey there,

I’m importing all the relevant XR packages, including Hand Tracking. If I use the Hands Interaction Demo from the XR Interaction Toolkit, I can make a working Meta Quest build from it. However, if I add a GameObject to the camera, it will no longer display Canvases or SkinnedMeshRenderers (for the hands). Additionally, if I remove the GameObject, that does not make the Camera function properly again and I have to reimport assets to make it work properly.

If anyone could confirm that happens to them as well, I could submit a bug report.


Unity: 2022.3.4f1
Headset: Meta Quest Pro

Got camera issues with Open XR Meta on builds too.

Unity 2022.3.14f1
Open XR via XR Plug-In Management
Meta Quest feature group activated for Android
XR Hands

Hands Demo Scene works fine in the editor.
When build to the meta quest 3 the Camera is not tracked properly (just seeing the skybox, it doesnt move)