Does OpenXR have support for compositor layers? I’m trying to improve our loading screen, as it has some frame stalls at the moment, and had heard that compositor layers is how it should be done so it remains smooth.
The API has support for sure. However, at this time I don’t believe that this is exposed out from the Unity OpenXR Provider for use.
Are there any plans to add support for it?
Yes, but that’s about all I can say at this time.
Any news on this? I really need it and it is hindering my ability to publish
This is currently the only way to render high quality text graphics that I know of. Without being able to read menus in VR… whats the point?
Yes… you can read them but the quality is crap… and people keep referring to OVR… but I dont use that and a lot of other people dont use it either.
Would be great to know the status of this. Since moving away from SteamVR to OpenXR, we no longer have a desktop compatible compositor.
any news about that
Hey, one year anniversary. So… news?
Hey @virtualjay ,
We don’t have a date just yet on when we’re releasing Compositor support in OpenXR, but we ARE working on it. We’re hoping to make an announcement soon once we have a firm date in-hand.
Thanks for your patience!
Thanks for updating. It is a sticking point for us moving to full Open XR for Quest projects, as we’d lose all of our sharp text.
@ash_at_unity3d Any update on this? We have an open source implementation of Oculus passthrough that just needs a way to submit OpenXR layers to finish it off.
Hey @Mike_Icosa - No update just yet. Hoping to have one soon.
Am implementing quest sdk & pico sdk just to have composite layer i really wish to have it asap
We just released the first experimental version of XR composition layer. Please check it out and give us feedback!
I did a test build with the OpenXR 1.11.0-exp.1, and composition layers 0.5.0 on the Quest 3.
It doesn’t have any information pertaining to this request (how to show a compositor layer between scene loading).
I followed the instructions (creating a gameobject and setting a layer) to show a white screen and then performed a scene load. It did not set a compositor layer between the scene loads, and it just resulted in the same screen stutter / tearing. Additionally it appears to have caused other graphical issues. Doing one last test before removing it from the project.
Not sure how this is supposed to work for the above use case.
Yeah, all this did was appear to break video playing for me. I’m going to remove it and revert down my OpenXR for now. Thank you for trying and the suggestion though!
Composition layers 1.0 is now out, and works with OpenXR 1.13! Composition layers | XR Composition Layers | 1.0.0