OpenXR: Control over eye/camera layer alpha blend like OVRPlugin

Hi, I am wondering if it is possible to control the alpha blending of the eye layer (main rendering camera) in the OpenXR plugin.

For context, we are trying to move away from the Oculus specific plugin, and go all in on OpenXR.

Our app uses passthrough, so we render the scene (which is set to layer 0), and passthrough is set to layer -1 (underlay).
Oculus’ OVRPlugin has the bool OVRPlugin.eyeFovPremultipliedAlphaModeEnabled.
When this value is false, the output matches the default OpenXR plugin behaviour.
When this value is true, the main camera blends with the passthrough layer in the way we want to achieve.

We have implemented FBPassthrough using the new experimental composition layers package, which works as expected, but we can’t find a mechanism to give us any control over the main eye layer.

So, we are wondering if something already exists in the OpenXR plugin that we could utilise and we’re just missing it, or if this is actually a feature request!

Sounds like this will be possible in a future release of the composition layers package: