Hi! Just started to receive this errors, after deleting an 3rd party asset from my project.
Found few threads ( this one and this one ) but they don’t helped with my issue.
Error I’m getting:
System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot find parent ‘devicepose’ of control ‘devicepose/istracked’ in layout ‘XRInputV1::Oculus::OculusTouchControllerOpenXR’
Another variety of the error:
Could not create a device for ‘Oculus Oculus Touch Controller OpenXR (XRInputV1)’ (exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot find parent ‘devicepose’ of control ‘devicepose/istracked’ in layout ‘XRInputV1::Oculus::OculusTouchControllerOpenXR’
Do you know if it happens with a new project, maybe the controller sample too? Would you be willing to share a project that reproduces this ? I will try on our end to see if I can reproduce it as well.
I was able to reproduce this just now but I am not sure the situation is the same. Where I am seeing it is on a domain reload while playing. Using the controller sample I hit play, then while in play mode I change a script and tab back. At that point the scripts are reloading and I get the following:
If I then play again after things seem fine, but this happens every time I modify a script. We are looking into what is causing this particular situation but if you have another way to reproduce it please let me know.
We are investigating this. It does seem to be new in 1.2.2 and we suspect we know the change that may be causing it but need to look into a solution with the InputSystem team. I will get back to you if we find a fix and/or any work arounds.
Could you please submit a bug through Help -> Report a Bug.. ? This is the best way to ensure that the issue gets immediate attention is properly tracked. Make sure the bug references the OpenXR package and it will go straight to our team.
Thank you, we have spent some time looking into this and so far have not found a way to fix it within the OpenXR plugin itself. However upgrading to the latest InputSystem preview package does seem to resolve it so we will be discussing this with the InputSystem team today to see if we can get some validation.
@the_real_apoxol Updating to preview-5 of 1.0.1 on the input system package silences these errors, but now it is creating malformed devices that do not behave properly.
Specifically, on a “HoloLens Hand OpenXR” input device, TryGetFeatureValue with CommonUsages.handData returns false, indicating that it does not support handData (when it certainly should).
On the non-preview version, the input system was throwing an error that said that it “Could not create a device for ‘Microsoft HoloLens Hand OpenXR (XRInputV1)’”, with the exception “Cannot find parent ‘devicepose’ of control ‘devicepose/istracked’ in layout ‘XRInputV1::Microsoft::HoloLensHandOpenXR’”.
We will need to look into this, could you submit a but from Help -> Report a Bug and if possible supply a test project that demonstrates this. Response here with the issue number so we can look into it faster. This does sounds like a bug and I dont want it to get lost.
I got this error as well using Oculus Quest (via the XR packages). At first I thought that it was caused because I started, stopped, and restarted the game too fast when doing some changes (that’s how I got this error). I tried reinstalling all the XR packages, including the Oculus plugin, but now its there every time I want to click play:
Play button is clicked
Game starts for a second, then breaks, and I get the following:
Could not create a device for ‘Oculus Oculus Touch Controller OpenXR (XRInputV1)’ (exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot find parent ‘devicepose’ of control ‘devicepose/istracked’ in layout ‘XRInputV1::Oculus::OculusTouchControllerOpenXR’
This happened using Oculus Quest connected via Link, running on a Windows 10 machine, With Unity 2020.3.15f2, XR plug in management 4.0.7, XR interaction kit 1.0.0-pre.5, Oculus XR plugin 1.9.1, and OpenXR plugin 1.2.8.
This message generally happens when you have the Oculus XR plugin installed as well as the OpenXR plugin. The newer prerelase versions of the input system seem to make the message go away but as the previous user posted it seems like there is still an issue with the devices.