OpenXR Xbox Controller Support?

Hi everyone, I am fairly new to Unity and I am trying to connect my Oculus Rift with Xbox controller to my project. The project validation window says I need to add at least one interaction profile, but I don’t see any here that seem like they support Xbox controller? I do not have the Oculus Touch controllers or anything like that. Do I really need to add an interaction profile or is there a workaround?

Any help is appreciated!

Interaction profiles in general just map their related controllers to Unity’s input system so you can receive both tracking and button/stick input from the controller through something like the XR Controller related actions. Xbox controller related input isnt really part of these profiles as you already should be able to access it through the Gamepad related actions in the input system.

If you simply want to use an Xbox controller for regular input (no position/rotation tracking) with a tracked Oculus headset then you can probably just enable the Oculus Touch profile while using the Gamepad related actions in the input system to access the Xbox controller :slight_smile:

Thank you! I have an XR rig set up, would I use the gamepad related actions in the Input Action Manager in the XR rig?

I haven’t really used XR Interaction Toolkit before so I dont know if you can do that with the XRRig component, but the Gamepad interface from the Input System is probably the simplest way to get going