OpenXR: XRStats.TryGetGPUTimeLastFrame fails

XRStats.TryGetGPUTimeLastFrame is returning false with OpenXR (testing with an Index).

This seems to be needed in order to drive HDRP’s dynamic resolution feature. Is there another way to do it? FrameTimingManager doesn’t return information either (using DX11).

OpenXR doesn’t yet return this info - the working group has discussed having a statistics type extension but right now it doesn’t exist. We’re looking into adding own GPU fences for returning an approximation of this info in a future release of the Unity OpenXR Package. We’ll swap over to whatever OpenXR provides when that is ready.

Great! Thanks for working on a quicker solution. That will allow me to use more of HDRP’s features without forcing the player to find the right performance/quality balance.