Operation Freezes Game Until Done

I’m trying to essentially generate a list of thumbnails in game based on files from a folder on the user’s computer. This works fine (code below), but completely stalls the application until it’s finished loading.
Is there a way to do this in the background so I can show a loading animation or something? It’s for VR, so it’s extra important not to have it freeze for a second.
The more image files in the folder path, the longer it freezes, understandably.

I’ve tried using a coroutine, but that still causes the freeze.
Any ideas? Thanks!!

Here’s the code:

bool framesFinishedLoading = false;

private void OnEnable()

IEnumerator loadFrames()
        framesFinishedLoading = false;
        while (!framesFinishedLoading)
            selectableFramePaths = Directory.GetFiles(saveLoadManager.imageOutputPath, "*.png");
            framesFinishedLoading = true;
        yield break; // I've tried return null also and still the same thing.

    void generateSelectableFrames()
        for (int i = 0; i < selectableFramePaths.Length; i++)
            //yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
            RawImage selectableFrame = Instantiate(selectableFramePrefab, selectableFrameParent.transform);
            selectableFrame.texture = HelperMethods.LoadPNG(selectableFramePaths*);*

framesFinishedLoading = false;

Try adding yield return null after the code in the while loop. This should stop the coroutine for that frame then continue the next.