Operator cannot be applied to operands of type


I have a script with an IEnumerator that counts up the players score from 0 to the current score. Here is my script snips:

WaitForSeconds counterCountTime = new WaitForSeconds(0.7f);

IEnumerator Counter(int count)
	for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
		return (counterCountTime / count);

I’m defining WaitForSeconds as a variable to avoid GC and use a return, but I received an error saying:

Operator ’ / ’ cannot be applied to operands of type ‘UnityEngine.WaitForSeconds’ and ‘int’

If I use the following then it will add to GC and I want to avoid it.

yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.7f / count);

You’re trying to divide a WaitForSeconds type by an integer type. You must divide by an int or possibly a float value…