Operator '>' cannot be used with a left hand side of type 'Object' and a right hand side of type 'float'.

I don’t know why i get this error :frowning:
Assets/Scripts/Decal.js(13,33): BCE0051: Operator ‘>’ cannot be used with a left hand side of type ‘Object’ and a right hand side of type ‘float’.

#pragma strict
var respawnTimer = 0.0;
var delayTime = 20.0;
var Player : PlayerStatusController;
var curTransform = gameObject.GetComponent(Transform);
var sqrDistance;

function Update() {
    respawnTimer += Time.deltaTime;
    if (respawnTimer > delayTime) {
        if (!renderer.isVisible) {
        	sqrDistance = (transform.position - curTransform.position).sqrMagnitude;
        	if (sqrDistance > 20.0f) { 

You need:

    var sqrDistance : float;

instead of

    var sqrDistance;

this worked. makes no sense but it worked.