Operator (less than sign) cannot be used with a left hand side of type boolean and a right hand side of type float

HI, I know that similar question have been asked many times on these forums but my instance of this is really confusing me, I have a relatively simple script where I declare a set of variables at the beginning, defining them all as float variables but when I try and compare them in an if statement, it gives me the error in the title and indicates that one of the variables is a boolean.

the errors points to (18,34), (27,34), (36,34), (45,34), (54,34) and (63,34)

#pragma strict
 var acceleration : float = 1.5;
 var top_speed : float = 1.5;
 var speed_x : float = 0.0;
 var speed_y : float = 0.0;
 var speed_z : float = 0.0;

function Start () {

 function Update () {
 	speed_x = speed_x - (top_speed / 2*(acceleration));
    	if (-top_speed < speed_x < top_speed)
        	speed_x = speed_x + (top_speed / acceleration);

    	if (-top_speed < speed_x < top_speed)
        	speed_x = speed_x - (top_speed / acceleration);

    	if (-top_speed < speed_y < top_speed)
        	speed_y = speed_y - (top_speed / acceleration);

    	if (-top_speed < speed_y < top_speed)
        	speed_y = speed_y + (top_speed / acceleration);

    	if (-top_speed < speed_z < top_speed)
        	speed_z = speed_z + (top_speed / acceleration);

    	if (-top_speed < speed_z < top_speed)
        	speed_z = speed_z - (top_speed / acceleration);

    transform.Translate(new Vector3(speed_x * Time.deltaTime, speed_y * Time.deltaTime, speed_z * Time.deltaTime));

Don’t worry, I figured it out. for any future readers, where I went wrong was trying to do

if (-top_speed < speed_x < top_speed)

in one go because it evaluates the first inequality, declares it as a boolean and then tries to compare this boolean to top_speed, a float.

to fix it all I had to do was:

if (-top_speed < speed_x && speed_x < top_speed)