Opinion about best form to optimize 2D graphics for infinite scrolling mobile game

I,m doing a 2D game for IOS, is a infinite parallax scroll game, I have some questions about how is the better form to do it.

  • I use the sprites like textures with Unlit transparent shader to scroll, but the textures are big.
  • the textures can be tight? I edit outline of sprites but always is like was a fullrect in quads.
  • Is better “alpha is transparency” checked or no?
  • is better Metal api to 2D game or Open Gles 3.0? (in my opinion Metal is bad to 2D)
  • Accept any type of information about is the better form to do a 2D infinite scroll for ios.


For your materials always set them to the mobile variant so for a normal diffuse it’ll be mobile/diffuse. Textures can be most ways as long as they are the right kind and alpha is transparency usually never affects performance it only adds transparency to the lower alpha pixels of a texture. Open Gles 3.0 is the best choice to use for your game.

Hope this helped you!