Opposite of Raycast - When ray stops hitting ground?

A raycast is a ray that travels through space and gives information about the point when it hits a collider. How could I have a ray that travels through the ground and get the normal of the point when it exits the collider?

yuou can raycast all and get all things in a direction for a distance, and dismss say “ground” or whatefvers first…

Raycast starting from the other side of the ground and towards what you was previously using as the starting point. Or linecast(end,start) instead of linecast(start,end).

How would I know where to start the raycast without knowing where the ground is?
The world is made up of tilemaps and platforms so I couldn’t just raycast downwards from like 40 units above

Like BugFinder says, you can ray cast forwards to get a list of objects along the ray and if the first object is the ground then you ray cast backwards from the second object towards the ground object to get the hit point. If there isn’t a second object then you can ray cast backwards from the full ray distance.

This was something I was trying to do to fix a bigger problem, but as far as I can tell this might not be the solution, so I’ll back up a bit. If you care to take a look:

Similar to what bugfinder and zulo suggest, raycasting forward & backward-from-a-long-distance sounds like the way to go. If you only care about the “exit” point you could skip the forward raycast and just cast one ray backward. You can also put your ground on a layer and use a layer mask in your raycast so it only hits the ground. The RaycastHit contains a normal property.