ops.NonMaxSuppression possible issue


I think I’ve spot an issue with a NMS function. While thresholding by a confidence seems working properly, it looks like a IoU threshold is not taken into account. I’ve prepared a simple script to reproduce an issue:

using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Sentis;
using Unity.Sentis.Layers;

public class NMSDemo : MonoBehaviour

    ITensorAllocator allocator;
    Ops ops;

    void Start()
        allocator = new TensorCachingAllocator();
        ops = WorkerFactory.CreateOps(BackendType.CPU, allocator);


    void Update()
        var x = 5f;
        var y = 5f;
        var iou_threshold = 0.6f;

        TensorFloat box_1 = new TensorFloat(new TensorShape(1, 1, 4), new float[] { x, y, x + 1.0f, y + 1.0f });
        TensorFloat box_2 = new TensorFloat(new TensorShape(1, 1, 4), new float[] { x, y, x + 1.0f, y + 1.1f });
        TensorFloat box_3 = new TensorFloat(new TensorShape(1, 1, 4), new float[] { x, y, x + 1.0f, y + 1.2f });
        TensorFloat box_4 = new TensorFloat(new TensorShape(1, 1, 4), new float[] { x, y, x + 1.0f, y + 1.5f });
        TensorFloat box_5 = new TensorFloat(new TensorShape(1, 1, 4), new float[] { x, y, x + 1.0f, y + 2.0f });

        TensorFloat[] boxes_raw = new TensorFloat[] { box_1, box_2, box_3, box_4, box_5 };

        TensorFloat boxes = ops.Concat(boxes_raw, 1) as TensorFloat;
        TensorFloat scores = new TensorFloat(new TensorShape(1, 5, 1), new float[] {0.7f, 0.6f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.6f});


        var result = ops.NonMaxSuppression(boxes, scores, 100, iou_threshold, 0.3f, CenterPointBox.Corners);
        for(var i = 0; i < result.shape[0]; i++)
            Debug.Log($"{result[i, 0]}, {result[i, 1]}");

        foreach(var b in boxes_raw)



And a equivalent python demo in notebook: colab

Despite modyfing an iou_threshold in range 0 to 1, the result tensor contains always 5 elements. The same behaviour is also with a CenterBoxPoint.Center format of boxes, and using a normalized boxes. Is it possible that I use a ops.NMS in a wrong way?

Edit: Made a mistake while copy-pasting, I’ve modified a coordinates of boxes to match a CenterPointBox.Corners sample.

Thanks for raising the issue.
Looks like you want Layers.CenterPointBox.Center coming from pytorch. From a glance at the implementation, iou thresholding is being used, but it could be that we’re doing something wrong. We’ll investigate a bit and get back to you asap


The scores tensor is grouped by batch and class (batch, class, box). It means, that the tensor of the shape (1, 5, 1) uses a different class for each box. The boxes for different classes are not filtered by IoU. To fix your example use (1, 1, 5) instead of (1, 5, 1).


Thanks, it works.