Optimising in unity free

Hi, I’m just wondering is there any free solutions to profiling / optimisation that can be used with the free version of unity? I attempted to use a .net profiler [remember hearing unity programs are .net based] on a development build but no luck.

Also I’m currently in a situation where I cant afford a pro licence [or even some of the $20 asset store stuff I want] and cant seam to find any way to narrowing down a massive performance drain I have. Had a similar problem during the 30 day pro trial and found it in seconds with the profiler.

Try disabling scripts one at a time to try and narrow down which script is causing the slow down. Once you have worked out which script is causing the problem, you can disable parts of that script using commenting out code or #if-ing it like this:

// code
#if false
// disabled code
// code

Optimization without a profiler is a pain, but if you are slow and methodical you will get there. Good luck!