Trying to optimize textures for my materials. Right now using 4K pngs. I am guessing this is way too much resolution!
Can anyone offer their advice on optimum texture size and compression settings for playback on an iOS device?
Optimum for app size is tiny and compressed, but optimum for a game varies enormously.
It is usually a case of start with what looks great, then test downsizing textures and adding compression. One thing at a time, one step at a time, and on a target device. When you see a drop in quality to a standard you think isn’t enough, undo that step. On mobile you will notice the drop off first on the largest screens, so use a tablet as your target device.
There will be a compromise. You have to decide where that is. On my current game, the clean edges degrade very quickly, so I have no compression, and could not drop sizes on most texture atlases (but could some others). But I have reused textures as much as possible. For example, I have about 80 objects using the same 1024x1024 atlas that used to need a pair of 2048x2048 atlases.