Option menu

I want to make some 2D game, I am now making a option menu where players can adjust the options in the game. In the option menu, I want to set the way to select the option in the option menu for the player, I want the player to use the button for select the options.

For example I want to set a font style in the game, I want 2 button that can change the font style in the game.

List of Font:

  • Default
  • Pixelated
  • FlowerRoad
  • Fantasy

Example: If I press Right Arrow button in the keyboard, the font style from “Default” change to “Pixelated”. If I press the Right Arrow button again, the font style from “Pixelated” change to “FlowerRoad”. If I press the Right Arrow button again, the font style from “FlowerRoad” change to “Fantasy”, and if I press the Right Arrow button again, the font style from “Fantasy” change back to “Default”, and so on.

If I press Left Arrow button on the keyboard, the font style from “Default” change to “Fantasy”. If I press Left Arrow button again, the font style from “Fantasy” change to “FlowerRoad”. If I press Left Arrow button again, the font style from “FlowerRoad” change to “Pixelated”. If I press Left Arrow button again, the font style from “Pixelated” change back to “Default”, and so on
Can you please give me the answer to my problem. Thank you

Want to ask this sort of thing in the UI forum.