We can bold, underline, italics, and strikethrough. We can change the font color. However, there’s no option to add a highlight.
Sometimes, game devs would like to things like the above. Is this possible or can it be added to TMPro?
We can bold, underline, italics, and strikethrough. We can change the font color. However, there’s no option to add a highlight.
Sometimes, game devs would like to things like the above. Is this possible or can it be added to TMPro?
The tag will allow you to highlight the section of text enclosed in the and tag.
See example 05 - Style tags included in the TMP Examples & Extras.
The mark tag now also supports additional attributes such as “color=#FF00FF00” and “padding=“x,y,z,w”” where x = left, y = right, z = top and w = bottom.
You can try the highlight effects in the Unity UI Extensions project to see if they will give you the kind of effect you are looking for possibly.
Thank you to both.