Option to Toggle Renderers/Colliders OFF Slows Game FPS to Standstill

Hi Forum,

In my project, I want to include the option of toggling off the visibility of certain game objects. Barring this, everything is currently working alright in the project, and all objects start with renderers and colliders on. The meshes are pretty meaty, but things still run between 90-140 fps and there is no “stuttering” when the user clicks and drags the objects around.


As soon as I add a condition to my toggle…

if (togSysM){
	triggerGo = 20;

… and add my disabling function into my script…

function ToggleSysMuscleTendon(){
var renderers = muscleTendon.GetComponentsInChildren(Renderer);
for (var r : Renderer in renderers) {
    r.enabled = !r.enabled;
var colliders = muscleTendon.GetComponentsInChildren(Collider);
for (var c : Collider in colliders) {
    c.enabled = !c.enabled;


Things crawl to an impressive 0.9-2.6 fps.
(Note, I’ve left out the relevant var definitions, but they are of course in the script as well.)

I know the code works, because it’s worked on versions of this same project that had smaller-scale objects and had the option to toggle on/off several game objects, not just one. What is especially baffling to me is that the function actually asks the game to render FEWER objects than it does at start, and yet it cripples my fps rate. Maybe I’m naive, but this seems counterintuitive.

Has anyone else experienced something similar, or know of a better, less expensive way to disable object renderers/colliders?

Thanks in advance!

  • Ess

Is togSysM your variable for an official GUI.toggle? If so, looks like you’re running the “shut off” code every frame (after clicking once to shut off.) That should slow you down some. For a “once when toggled” could try:

bool oldTagVal = togsysM;
togSysM = GUI.toggle....
if(oldTogVal==false && togSysM==true) { run shut off code }
else if(oldTogVal==true && togSysM==false) { run turn on code }