Options for particles for Windows Store apps since there is no Shuriken?

It looks like Windows/Windows Phone has no Shuriken particle support. Does this mean there are no particle options from the asset store, or are they all based on Shuriken? I was really interested in today’s Fluvio deal, in looking at the edition comparison it seems like I might be wasting my money.


Why do you say that?

Because of Real-time tools for 3D, AR, and VR development | Products, I assume; could be a mistake on that page.


Aaahhhh dang it. I was going to make a game based on particles for the Windows contest. Lol it was a good idea

I think that’s a mistake, thanks for pointing that out

I don’t know that is a mistake or not. Shuriken isn’t there for Blackberry either. I installed Unity for the first time last night and just dropped a fire object in a project, exported it, and ran from Visual Studio. Nothing showed up. Could be user error, could be it really isn’t supported. But, it definitely makes me have to rethink some ideas and is a HUGE loss of a needed feature.

Not sure about Blackberry, but Shuriken should work in Windows Store Apps.