Hi, I’ve use virtual cinemachine with body OrbitalTransposer.
But there has a problem,change the XAxis Value will cause Jitter when the camera in colliding.
Is this a bug or some one can help me?
Hi, I’ve use virtual cinemachine with body OrbitalTransposer.
But there has a problem,change the XAxis Value will cause Jitter when the camera in colliding.
Is this a bug or some one can help me?
What versions of Unity and of Cinemachine are you using?
How are you changing the X axis? By moving the mouse?
1.Unity 2019.3.0f3 and cinemachine 2.4.0 preview.4
2.yes,by moving the mouse.by the way,change this value by script also cause this problem.
Can you export the test scene as a unitypackage and post it here?
here is the test unitypackage,thanks.
Thank you for uploading. I tried your scene, but I am not getting any jitter.
Is there something special I need to do in order to see it?