Organize assets folder with "Sym links" on windows?

Hey everyone. The issue I’m having is that I’m using alot of assets from the asset store, and my project folder tab is super cluttered and hard to work with. I understand why I can’t go around reorganizing the actual file structure, especially if I want to have hope of getting updates.

If I was back on linux I’d just make a folder call “_root” or something and fill it with directories and links to the hideous maze of imported files. But I’m using windows (because unity) and my windows-fu is weak, and simple short cuts didn’t show up. Is there any hope of a solution like what I had in mind or am I SoL? Or some (hopefully) some other better option?

Link Shell Extension is your friend.

Note that moving packages around actually works just fine usually. Some packages don’t want to be moved (uScript comes to mind) but most work just fine. Even for updates the files will go to the new location – except those that are new in the package (you can just move them manually after importing). Since, however, reimporting a package doesn’t take care of deleting files that are no longer part of the package, sometimes the best option is to just delete an already imported package entirely and then import the new version from scratch (relies on the publisher keeping GUIDs stable or existing references you have to the assets will break). But depends.