Orienting the camera above the player when Locked on

Hey Guys,

I’m currently making a Action/adventure game similar to Zelda/Dark Souls and I was just wondering how I could re-orient my camera, so that when I’m locked onto them, the camera transitions above them so that you can see what exactly the character is now locked onto.

Here’s a snippet of my camera script modified from a WOWcamera.cs script.

using UnityEngine; 
using System.Collections; 

public class cameraCode : MonoBehaviour 
    public Transform target; 
	public static cameraCode Instance;
    public float targetHeight = 1.7f; 
    public float distance = 5.0f;
    public float offsetFromWall = 0.1f;

    public float maxDistance = 20; 
    public float minDistance = .6f; 

    public float xSpeed = 200.0f; 
    public float ySpeed = 200.0f; 

    public int yMinLimit = -80; 
    public int yMaxLimit = 80; 

    public int zoomRate = 40; 

    public float rotationDampening = 3.0f; 
    public float zoomDampening = 5.0f; 
    public LayerMask collisionLayers = -1;

    private float xDeg = 0.0f; 
    private float yDeg = 0.0f; 
    private float currentDistance; 
    private float desiredDistance; 
    private float correctedDistance; 

    void Start () 
        Instance = this;
		Vector3 angles = transform.eulerAngles; 
        xDeg = angles.x; 
        yDeg = angles.y; 

        currentDistance = distance; 
        desiredDistance = distance; 
        correctedDistance = distance; 

        // Make the rigid body not change rotation 
        if (rigidbody) 
            rigidbody.freezeRotation = true; 
     * Camera logic on LateUpdate to only update after all character movement logic has been handled. 
    void LateUpdate () 
    	Vector3 vtargetOffset;
       // Don't do anything if target is not defined 
        if (!target) 

        // If either mouse buttons are down, let the mouse govern camera position  
            xDeg += Input.GetAxis ("Mouse X") * xSpeed * 0.02f; 
            yDeg -= Input.GetAxis ("Mouse Y") * ySpeed * 0.02f; 
         //otherwise, ease behind the target if any of the directional keys are pressed
        yDeg = ClampAngle (yDeg, yMinLimit, yMaxLimit); 

        // set camera rotation 
        Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler (yDeg, xDeg, 0); 

        // calculate the desired distance 
        desiredDistance -= Input.GetAxis ("Mouse ScrollWheel") * Time.deltaTime * zoomRate * Mathf.Abs (desiredDistance); 
        desiredDistance = Mathf.Clamp (desiredDistance, minDistance, maxDistance); 
        correctedDistance = desiredDistance; 

        // calculate desired camera position
        vtargetOffset = new Vector3 (0, -targetHeight, 0);
        Vector3 position = target.position - (rotation * Vector3.forward * desiredDistance + vtargetOffset); 

        // check for collision using the true target's desired registration point as set by user using height 
        RaycastHit collisionHit; 
        Vector3 truetargetPosition = new Vector3 (target.position.x, target.position.y + targetHeight, target.position.z); 

        // if there was a collision, correct the camera position and calculate the corrected distance 
        bool isCorrected = false; 
        if (Physics.Linecast (truetargetPosition, position, out collisionHit, collisionLayers.value)) 
            // calculate the distance from the original estimated position to the collision location,
            // subtracting out a safety "offset" distance from the object we hit.  The offset will help
            // keep the camera from being right on top of the surface we hit, which usually shows up as
            // the surface geometry getting partially clipped by the camera's front clipping plane.
            correctedDistance = Vector3.Distance (truetargetPosition, collisionHit.point) - offsetFromWall; 
            isCorrected = true;
        // For smoothing, lerp distance only if either distance wasn't corrected, or correctedDistance is more than currentDistance 
        currentDistance = !isCorrected || correctedDistance > currentDistance ? Mathf.Lerp (currentDistance, correctedDistance, Time.deltaTime * zoomDampening) : correctedDistance; 

		// keep within legal limits
        currentDistance = Mathf.Clamp (currentDistance, minDistance, maxDistance); 

        // recalculate position based on the new currentDistance 
        position = target.position - (rotation * Vector3.forward * currentDistance + vtargetOffset); 
        transform.rotation = rotation; 
        transform.position = position; 
	public void TargetLock()
       float targetRotationAngle = target.eulerAngles.y; 
       float currentRotationAngle = transform.eulerAngles.y; 
       xDeg = Mathf.LerpAngle (currentRotationAngle, targetRotationAngle, rotationDampening * Time.fixedDeltaTime);

    private static float ClampAngle (float angle, float min, float max) 
        if (angle < -360) 
            angle += 360; 
        if (angle > 360) 
            angle -= 360; 
        return Mathf.Clamp (angle, min, max); 

Problem was solved with one of my mentors on campus here. Thanks all!