The ORION asset will be released as standalone asset, as well as be an upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE at lower price, offering the possibility to combine with Sky Master ULTIMATE full volumetric planetary clouds and atmospheric effects, that are best suited for flying though the cloud volume.
Some of the features planned for the new system
- Procedural planet generation (All pipelines)
- Inner planet cavities curving (All pipelines)
- Lens flares from multiple brightness sources (SRP - TBD URP-HDRP)
- Black hole system (All pipelines)
- Galaxy formation generator (All pipelines)
- Volumetric space dust emulation (SRP - TBD URP-HDRP)
- Dynamic Background Nebula (All pipelines)
- Planet atmosphere with light scattering (SRP - TBD URP-HDRP)
- LOD based planet generation and traversal in run time (All pipelines)
- Procedural Spaceship generator (All pipelines)
- Dynamic planetary cloud systems (All pipelines)
- Dynamic procedural planet shaping and motion (All pipelines)
- Combination with Sky Master ULTIMATE for full volumetric planetary clouds (All pipelines)
- Lightning system for planets with multidirectional lighting (All pipelines)
- Fluid based dynamic planet texture generation (Ideal for Gas Giants) (All pipelines)
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