Orthographic Camera settings for a 2D game

I’m starting out a 2D wrestling game and i need some help. The default resolution of game needs to be 320x240. The background sprite that i would be using is 640x480. The camera would move over the background to give it a hovering look. I want the Camera to cover exactly 320x240 resolution. I tried setting the Camera size to 1.2 and it looks approximate but i wanna be sure that the camera is exactly 320x240. By default all the images are set to 100 Pixels per Unit. Also, i would like to change Filter mode for all images to point mode all together. I know i can set it for an individual image in inspector but i need a way to set it together for all images since i have a lot of them. So my question is,

  • How to set the camera to cover exactly 320x240
  • How to set image properties like Filter mode for all images in the project

Your orthographic camera size depends on the pixels per unit of your sprites.

Orthographic camera size is equal to 1/2 of the vertical units (meters if you use built in physics) you will see on the screen. Say size 6 means that your screen height will be 12 units.

The formula is: screen resolution / 2*orthographic size = pixels per unit on sprites

Filter depends on your preferences - for low res you probably want “point”.