Orthographic Particle Emitter

So for my game I want to be able to create a particle emitter. The difference is that particles emitted only move up, down, left, right, forward, and backward. Similarly, I want the particles to change direction randomly, but at sharp 90-degree angles.

So I wouldn’t know where to begin. What do I need to do?

Tricky, but possible.

If you’re creating a smallish number of “base” particles, it might be easier to spawn a collection of GameObjects that you can move, each of which has a TrailRenderer or ParticleSystem attached.

If you really need that level of control, you could manually assign the velocity of each particle at regular intervals. Something like this:

Particle[] particles;
ParticleSystem emitter;

void Start() {
    emitter = GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
    particles = new Particle[emitter.maxParticles]; //make sure maxParticles is NOT huge!

    float randomizeSeconds = 1f;
    InvokeRepeating("Randomize", randomizeSeconds, randomizeSeconds);

void Randomize() {
    int count = emitter.GetParticles(particles);
    for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
        float x = Random.Range(-1f, 1f); //maybe restrict to either -1 or 1, no range?
        float y = Random.Range(-1f, 1f);
        particles*.velocity = new Vector3(x, y, 0f);*

emitter.SetParticles(particles, count);