With no native plugin support with the indie license i decided to create a workaround.
It basically consists of OSCulator sending OSC messages to unity over UDP and my little wrapper that parses these OSC messages.
As OSCulator supports multiple wiimotes and Balance Boards so does my little wrapper.
As of version 1.2, Nunchucks, Classic Controllers, Motion plus, vibration, LED and motion plus recalibration support has been added.
Only problem is that with the unregistered version of OSCulator, sending is blocked while “nagging screen” is shown :S (happens around every 10 minutes).
GlovePIE for windows might be a viable alternative for the ones not running OSX.
I would be very interested in seeing the code as well - I am trying to do something similar and don’t have too much experience with the OSC protocol. Are you planning to make it public at some point?
Oh my… Yeah I’m very interested! larzie is right, DarwiinremoteOSC would be a great replacement - there are some Processing examples that use it.
I would definitely appreciate this as I’ve been working on some interactive music video prototypes and I’ve had the Wii remote in mind this whole time. I was afraid I’d have to wait until I had Unity Pro, but it’d be great to test this out before I can save up for it.
I hope it’s still of any use.
Some of the code was inspired by another user from the forum which i unfortunately forgot his name. But thanks to him anyways if he sees this.
@ bliprob : yes i do agree that it might be a better solution however it would require learning objective C I’m not sure if darwiin remote supports balance boards either.
@God at play: Sounds great
Regarding the DarwiinOSC if it sends the same OSC messages as OSCulator does then it should work out of the box.
Again i really wanted balance board support so that’s why i decided to use OSCulator.
I needed to get data from the Nunchuk and accelerometer x/y/z data so I amended the scripts to display these.
I culled the Balance board though sorry.
The X/Y/Z acceleration for the Wiimote is at the bottom of the Nunchuk section - sorry couldnt be bothered to change all the text positions for a test app.
I’ve attached the amended scripts and the Osculator project file.
I have pulled up the project again and added support for a whole range of things. Some of it is listed in my initial post with a deeper explanation on my website linked to in the initial post as well.
I think I might prefer this over the plug-in; connecting seems to be a lot more reliable and it doesn’t give me kernel panics.
I’ll try to get this integrated into my app and let you know how it goes.
One suggestion: your documentation wasn’t clear that in OSCulator you have to set every item to OSC Routing and localhost:8876. Might want to add that in there for those just starting out.